Scott Landfield
Painting by local artist Jordan K. Walker, whose original oil paintings of tree-filled Oregon landscapes are for sale here at Tsunami!
Bronwynn says:
The Overstory is a book as complicated and interwoven as the forests it champions. The characters, as varied as the kinds of trees, exist in their own biomes until something...fate? the will of the trees? brings them together to save their species and in turn, themselves. An eye-opener for anyone that has ever believed trees are sentient beings deserving of rights and protection. Extra bonus: The Cascadia Bioregion plays a big role.
Scott says:
The Overstory, the most recent winner of the Pulitzer Prize in Literature (short-listed for the Booker Prize), is in part about a little town called "Eugene" in the not distant past. Fact or fiction? Many of us knew these people, if not their real names. A tree lover’s paradise of a book.
Emily says:
It's hardly going out on a limb to say that this branching story runs rings around the competition. There's a reason it's so poplar! If you're pining for a good read, you should definitely leaf through a copy.