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Robb, Ryan and Scramstad: Acoustic Blues Originals, Steeped in the Music of America's Past
Robb, Ryan and Scramstad: Acoustic Blues Originals, Steeped in the Music of America's Past
Friday, May 9, 7:30 Show (7 door): Robb, Ryan and Scramstad: Acoustic Blues Originals, Steeped in the Music of America's Past
Tickets $25 Now On Sale; drop by the store or call 541-345-8986 to reserve, or click this link to go to our web store.
Terry Robb is hailed as a blues guitar virtuoso and one of the finest acoustic guitarists on the international scene. His signature fingerpicking style has earned him international acclaim from worldwide audiences, esteemed music critics and his distinguished peers. Incorporating elements from Delta blues, ragtime, country, swing and jazz, Robb has built a unique blues sound that has made him a legend in his prolific music career spanning four decades.
The multitude of awards Terry Robb has received speak to his seminal talent as a blues guitarist. Robb has been inducted into both the Oregon Music Hall of Fame and the Cascade Blues Association Hall of Fame. He single-handedly defined the Muddy Award for Best Acoustic Guitar, winning the prize for 19 consecutive years from its inception in 1992. In 2011, the award was renamed the “Terry Robb" Acoustic Guitar Muddy Award to honor his landmark contributions to blues music. In 2017, he received the Muddy Award for Lifetime Achievement. And Robb’s latest album, Confessin’ My Dues, garnered him a 2020 Blues Music Award nomination for Acoustic Blues Album.
Adam Scramstad is an award winning Solo Acoustic Finger-style, Slide & Blues Musician, born and raised in Oregon. Scramstad’s repertoire covers a broad range of early American Folk, Blues and also known for his strong and creative songwriting.
December 2020 marked the highly anticipated release of Scramstad’s most recent album “It’s a Long Way to Go”. From CBA President Greg Johnson’s January Blues Notes Review: “It has been a long time since his 2006 debut release, No Sun Around Blues, but rest assured he has not been idle during those years. Working on his music and playing with friends, he has put together a new disc that proves he is an artist ready for worldwide attention. That disc, It’s a Long Way to Go, easily stands among the absolute best acoustic blues and Americana releases. Simply said, it’s that good and more.”
Walker T Ryan has been playing around here as long as anybody can remember. Dave VanRonk once said of Walker, “It's great to hear someone who doesn't play Robert Johnson note for note. That boy’s got a soul of his own.” Ken Kesey said, “Walker T Ryan is a blues icon in Eugene.”
Walker has been out of sight for the last 4 years. First, because of Covid, then tongue cancer (he’s OK), then two back surgeries. He’s been playing alone, “wood shedding” the whole time, playing for himself and the gods, as he says, much like when he first started out on his musical journey 65 years ago. The last few months Walker has started getting out and has been seen playing with friends here and there. He is very excited about teaming up with Terry and Adam for this gig.