Saturday, June 29, 2-4 PM: Stephan Cameron, Author of "Freedom's Love Song: Journal of a Traveling Seeker," Meet and Greet, Book Talk, Signing
(Light Refreshments)
“Poems straight from the heart of a serious spiritual seeker.” Solala Towler, author of Tea MInd Tea Heart
“The search for God, spirit,
a purposeful life, for a mind, and a heart
that dwells on the Divine and finds
wholeness where we often find nothing…
Stephan Cameron’s poems reveal to the
reader eternal truths that are simple
and approachable
at any moment of one’s day.”
Stuart Perrin is an international meditation teacher, author
of many books on meditation and conscious living,
and a disciple of Swami Rudrananda (Rudi).
Author’s Biography
I came here to change the world, just like you did. How do I know
this? Because I have awakened enough to remember that I am about
my Divine Father’s/Mother’s business. Because there are no accidents,
if you are here now, you signed up for the detail also, although you
may have forgotten. And of course, to change the world, one must
change them-selves, which is the story of many lives now.
This book is a peek into some of my experiences that inform
my evolution in this lifetime and the larger story of the planetary
awakening, from my perspective. I have been reluctant to share it,
as I believe that, with their lives, everyone is writing his or her own
chapters this time around. However, more than a few friends have
urged me to share some of my experiences and insights. When I
hear things in threes I usually will follow up with action.
My life may seem unusual to some but I know that as the consciousness
continues to expand among humanity, my experiences will pale in comparison.
My heart and soul’s desire is that by sharing this, it may help to quicken and free your consciousness, perhaps add to your toolbox, and at the very least, inspire you.
In so doing, we speed the ascension of the whole human race and the planet itself.
May you awaken and stay awake. May we help to awaken others. May all
beings awaken now. May we all be extended Grace. May we each
do what is necessary from the perspective of the Spirit-Soul that we are.
The shiny guys “upstairs” say we win this one.
May It Be So, And It Is So.
Author’s Long Bio
Stephan Cameron, in the truest sense has co-authored this ecologically relevant work: “Conversations with Nature Spirits”. Though a remarkable experience, the nature spirits directly dictated to him, their inspiration as this book. It makes sense that they would entrust him with their hidden wisdom as most of his life he has been soul-compelled to explore the depths of Spirit.
Mr. Cameron is a combination of practicality and spirituality having worked at many livelihoods. To name a few; as a silver smith for ten years, while traveling around the country to participate in craft shows, as a massage therapist and psychic healer, as a carpenter/general contractor for 35 years and most notably, he and his wife, Barbara created and run the Blue Lotus Chai Company, which has become a well-known, international company in the last twelve years.
Since his late teens he has been concurrently exploring the hidden realms of consciousness. In the 70’s, when many Eastern Gurus came to America, he sought them out for their spiritual blessings and instruction. In later years, through a dream, he was led to embrace the “Red Road” and was taught by an Oglala Sioux elder to became a lodge and fire keeper for the sacred inipi ceremony. His lifelong love of nature deepened with a living understanding.
His years of experience with Native mentors prepared him for a life changing event when he was ship wrecked in a storm off the Atlantic coast. He survived 15 hours on the hull of a boat in icy waters but unfortunately his friend who was the captain of the boat, perished. Barely avoiding death himself, he was opened to an even deeper understanding of the natural and spirit worlds. In the aftermath, he was guided to do psychic and energetic healing work as well as massage therapy.
Today he lives in the South West hills of Eugene, Oregon. He is a devotee of Paramahansa Yogananda. Stephan always takes great pleasure in sharing his love of nature with his children and grandchildren.