SOLD OUT…Saturday, December 2, 7:30 PM (7 door): Mean Mary, Musical Prodigy, Nashville and Tsunami Favorite, with Brother Frank James
Tickets $20; drop by the store or call 541-345-8986 to reserve;
Mean Mary(Mary James), a Florida native now based in Nashville, began life as a musical prodigy—could read music before she could read words and co-wrote songs at age five. By age seven she was proficient on the guitar, banjo, & violin, and entertained audiences across the US with her vocal and instrumental skills. Her life has been one long road show interspersed with TV, radio, and film.
To date she plays 11 instruments and is known for her alluring story songs, incredible instrumental speed, & rich voice that can travel from deep emotion to sparkling trills. She is also an award-winning book author. Known internationally for lightning-fast fingers, haunting vocals, & intricate story songs, Mary travels the genres of folk-rock, bluegrass, and blues.
Folks, this will be Mean Mary’s second time at Tsunami Books, this time accompanied by her brother Frank James.