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2585 Willamette St Eugene, OR, 97405 United States
Saturday, November 10, 6:30-11PM: Saturday, The Eugene All-Ages Poetry Tslam at Tsunami, Year 9, Round 2! The second Slam of what promises to be an amazing, inspiriing year, including for the first time 2 Slams in April (the 2nd one for contestants 18 and Under). Musical Busking by Grrrlz Rockand from 6:30-7:30. Sign-up for poetry begins at 7, open mike at 7:45, featured poet Lenee Reid at 8:15. The Tslam begins at 9. Prizes to the top three winners, free tea and fun for all. A big thank you to the Lane Arts Council and Maven Jorah LaFleur! ($5-15 sliding scale)