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2585 Willamette St Eugene, OR, 97405 United States
SOLD OUT Sunday, February 26, 2-4 PM: Minority Voices Theatre’s first production is a play entitled ”Having Our Say” by Emily Mann, and will be directed by Stan Coleman. It is the true story of the Delany sisters - two African-American sisters (101 and 103 years old when we meet them) who tell the story of their lives from post Civil War to Reconstruction, from Jim Crow through to the civil rights movement and up to contemporary times. The readers will be two pillars in the local Black community, Arbrella Luvert and Charmaine Coleman.Tickets on sale at Tsunami Feb. 6– $5 – $50 sliding scale – all proceeds above $5 per ticket will be donated to the Lane County Chapter of the NAACP. For more information about this upcoming production, and to learn more about Minority Voices Theatre, go to